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How To Turn Your Life Around

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Turn Your Life Around

I believe that you have the power to change.

Everything you need is inside of you.

You are enough.

Today is the 8th August 2016.

Itโ€™s been 30 years today that I had my biggest loss… my father died.

I remember being in the hospital by his bedside and all I could think of saying was โ€œDad, you did good.โ€

As he stopped breathing I felt like he was passing his baton to me to carry forward.

At the point in my life things were out of control.

I was partying almost every night, not studying and failing my exams at university.

After his death, I remember, sitting in the park alone, crying my eyes out.

I felt like I let him down and that he wasnโ€™t proud of me.

The fact was I let myself down.

I was in pain.

I felt like quitting my engineering course.

Now looking back I realize that everything happens for a reason.

Things happen for me not to me.

That pain was my friend.

It was there, in that park, that I made a decision.

I decided to change my life.

I realised that the past did not have to equal the future.

This was the beginning and not the end.

So I stopped partying and started studying.

I eventually graduated as an engineer, got a great job, married a beautiful woman and had 3 wonderful children.

Now Iโ€™m working on my mission, which is to inspire and help others find their passion, develop it and give it to the world so they can be free, fulfilled and make an impact.

To help people start doing work that matters, work that gives their life meaning.

I believe that the world would be a much better place if everyone was doing work that matters.

As a result, people would provide better products and services.

People would feel healthier, fulfilled and live longer.

People would treat each other better because they felt good about themselves.

So my message to you is that it doesnโ€™t matter where you are in your life or how bad your life is.

As long as youโ€™re breathing you have a chance to turn your life around.

Remember that pain is your friend.

Figure out the message in your pain and use it to your advantage.

Things happen for you not to you.

Your past does not have to equal your future.

This can be the beginning for you and not the end.

You just need to decide to turn your life around.

Decide that youโ€™ve had enough of the old life and that you are going to make changes.

You can change your direction in an instant. Getting to the new destination just takes time.

Deciding that you deserve more and you will do whatever it takes to be, do and have more.

That you are going to face your issues, whether they are with your career, your health, your relationships or your finances.

I believe that you have the power to change.

Everything you need is inside of you.

You are enough.

The choice to change your life is yours and yours alone.

You are responsible for your life and for your happiness.

So I hope you make the right choice to turn your life around.

I wish you luck.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below, โ€œwhat you are committed to change in your life?โ€

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