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How To Brand Yourself

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You need to brand yourself so people know you exist.

Branding is about communicating to others why you exist and how you can help them.

I believe that there are 3 key steps to successful branding.

I call them the 3 Ps.

Click on the image below to watch the video


Step 1 and the most important key is PURPOSE.

You MUST know your purpose.

Everything on earth has a purpose and so do you.

If you donโ€™t know your purpose or why you exist, then you need to find out.

If you donโ€™t know then how are others going to know how you can help them?

If you need help figuring it out then hire a Life Purpose Coach, someone like myself who specialises in this area.

Click here for coaching (first session FREE)


Step 2 is POSITION.

You need to position yourself correctly and make yourself attractive, like a magnet.

There is no point putting your finishing line into a pile of sand. Youโ€™re not going to catch a fish that way.

You need to know what fish you want, where that fish lives and what food they eat.

This is where market research comes in.

You need to know who your ideal client is, where they hang out and what they want (which problem they want solved).


Step 3 is PROMOTION.

This is about putting yourself out there and communicating your offer, the value you add, to the world.

Itโ€™s about being confident in yourself and in your product or service.

If youโ€™re not confident in yourself then no one is going to be confident in you.

I believe that you are a gift to the world and have something of value to offer.

For example, if you had the cure for cancer would you keep it all to yourself or would you give it to the world.

Of course you would give it to the world. Itโ€™s your duty. It would be irresponsible not to.

And the same applies to your gift, find out what it is and share it with the world.

So there you have it the 3 key steps to building a successful personal brand, know your purpose, position yourself correctly and promote yourself.

If you have any tips or are a branding coach, please leave a tip in the comments below on how people can build their brand and as an incentive the one that gets the most likes I will consider referring my clients to for branding help.

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